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Download TIGER shapes for Primary Roads


tt_primary_roads(year = 2022)



Integer year. Required. 2000 and 2010-2022 are currently supported.


sf data.frame


 # takes > 5 seconds
# Wrapped in try due to false positive 304 errors
try(tt_primary_roads()) # downloads slow on CRAN
#> Simple feature collection with 17389 features and 4 fields
#> Geometry type: LINESTRING
#> Dimension:     XY
#> Bounding box:  xmin: -158.1042 ymin: 17.97417 xmax: -65.64866 ymax: 61.57123
#> Geodetic CRS:  NAD83
#> # A tibble: 17,389 × 5
#>    LINEARID       FULLNAME      RTTYP MTFCC                             geometry
#>    <chr>          <chr>         <chr> <chr>                     <LINESTRING [°]>
#>  1 1104430641961  State Hwy 42  S     S1100 (-89.34466 31.35903, -89.34374 31.3…
#>  2 1104430639695  State Hwy 42  S     S1100 (-89.32506 31.37999, -89.32826 31.3…
#>  3 1108296451323  State Hwy 67  S     S1100 (-88.49978 43.14901, -88.49788 43.1…
#>  4 1108296451337  State Hwy 67  S     S1100 (-88.49978 43.14878, -88.4982 43.14…
#>  5 1109097223374  State Hwy 114 S     S1100 (-97.03217 32.92924, -97.03059 32.9…
#>  6 1109097222447  State Hwy 114 S     S1100 (-96.90244 32.83649, -96.90287 32.8…
#>  7 1109097381195  State Hwy 114 S     S1100 (-97.46753 33.04564, -97.47031 33.0…
#>  8 1109097381196  State Hwy 114 S     S1100 (-97.4731 33.04668, -97.4732 33.046…
#>  9 11020511318415 State Hwy 114 S     S1100 (-97.18546 32.99068, -97.1848 32.99…
#> 10 11015547346361 State Hwy 114 S     S1100 (-97.18646 32.99068, -97.18612 32.9…
#> # ℹ 17,379 more rows