Download TIGER shapes for Primary and Secondary Roads
Download TIGER shapes for Primary and Secondary Roads
# Wrapped in try due to false positive 304 errors
try(tt_primary_secondary_roads("DE")) # downloads slow on CRAN
#> Simple feature collection with 1168 features and 4 fields
#> Geometry type: LINESTRING
#> Dimension: XY
#> Bounding box: xmin: -75.78889 ymin: 38.45123 xmax: -75.05154 ymax: 39.83893
#> Geodetic CRS: NAD83
#> # A tibble: 1,168 × 5
#> * <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <LINESTRING [°]>
#> 1 1106092739328 Union St Exd M S1200 (-75.31561 38.78802, -75.31579 38…
#> 2 110412184844 Rehoboth Ave Exd M S1200 (-75.08912 38.71532, -75.08938 38…
#> 3 1102152245725 Milford Byp M S1200 (-75.42725 38.94244, -75.42726 38…
#> 4 1104271252090 State Rd 14 Byp S S1200 (-75.57154 38.89505, -75.57158 38…
#> 5 110431734688 State Rd 9 Alt S S1200 (-75.54089 39.73356, -75.54079 39…
#> 6 1104745478602 State Rd 1 Alt S S1200 (-75.08186 38.71596, -75.08189 38…
#> 7 1104257868162 State Rd 10 Alt S S1200 (-75.63661 39.05979, -75.63601 39…
#> 8 1104299336348 US Hwy 13 Alt U S1200 (-75.53073 39.12769, -75.53076 39…
#> 9 1104746063601 State Rd 1 Alt S S1200 (-75.07575 38.69852, -75.07575 38…
#> 10 1104258640192 State Rd 1 Alt S S1200 (-75.0809 38.70811, -75.0809 38.7…
#> # ℹ 1,158 more rows