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Download TIGER shapes for Roads


tt_roads(state, county, year = 2022)



FIPS, postal codes, or full names of states.


FIPS codes or full names of counties. Optional.


Integer year. Required. 2000 and 2010-2022 are currently supported.


sf data.frame


# Wrapped in try due to false positive 304 errors
try(tt_roads("DE")) # downloads slow on CRAN
#> Simple feature collection with 33977 features and 4 fields
#> Geometry type: LINESTRING
#> Dimension:     XY
#> Bounding box:  xmin: -75.78889 ymin: 38.45118 xmax: -75.04984 ymax: 39.83948
#> Geodetic CRS:  NAD83
#> # A tibble: 33,977 × 5
#>    LINEARID      FULLNAME          RTTYP MTFCC                          geometry
#>  * <chr>         <chr>             <chr> <chr>                  <LINESTRING [°]>
#>  1 110448139428  N High St Exd     M     S1400 (-75.62009 39.30074, -75.62007 3…
#>  2 1102186618422 S Lakeview Dr Exd M     S1400 (-75.52004 39.16857, -75.51971 3…
#>  3 110448140003  S Shore Dr Exd    M     S1400 (-75.52436 39.12675, -75.52448 3…
#>  4 1102186610396 Troon Rd Exd      M     S1400 (-75.56575 39.18153, -75.56637 3…
#>  5 1103623114759 Williams Exd      M     S1400 (-75.4025 39.06012, -75.40293 39…
#>  6 110448139723  Clara St Exd      M     S1400 (-75.5445 39.1638, -75.54354 39.…
#>  7 1103678329515 Arnold Dr Exd     M     S1400 (-75.48887 39.13227, -75.48882 3…
#>  8 110448140186  Center St Exd     M     S1400 (-75.56717 38.92757, -75.5673 38…
#>  9 110448139562  Pine St Exn       M     S1740 (-75.50944 38.91027, -75.50948 3…
#> 10 1102152245725 Milford Byp       M     S1200 (-75.42725 38.94244, -75.42726 3…
#> # ℹ 33,967 more rows