District numbers in simulated plans are by and large random. This function attempts to renumber the districts across all simulated plans to match the numbers in a provided plan, using the Hungarian algorithm.

  total_pop = attr(data, "prec_pop"),
  col = "pop_overlap"



a redist_plans object.


a character vector giving the name of the plan to match to (e.g., for a reference plan), or an integer vector containing the plan itself.


a vector of population counts. Should not be needed for most redist_plans objects.


the name of a new column to store the vector of population overlap with the reference plan: the fraction of the total population who are in the same district under each plan and the reference plan. Set to NULL if no column should be created. renumbering options in any plan.


a modified redist_plans object. New district numbers will be stored as an ordered factor variable in the district column. The district numbers in the plan matrix will match the levels of this factor.



iowa_map <- redist_map(iowa, existing_plan = cd_2010, pop_tol = 0.05)
plans <- redist_smc(iowa_map, 100, silent = TRUE)
match_numbers(plans, "cd_2010")
#> A <redist_plans> containing 100 sampled plans and 1 reference plan
#> Plans have 4 districts from a 99-unit map, and were drawn using Sequential
#> Monte Carlo.
#> With plans resampled from weights
#> Plans matrix: int [1:99, 1:101] 1 1 2 3 4 2 2 4 2 2 ...
#> # A tibble: 404 × 4
#>    draw    district total_pop pop_overlap
#>    <fct>   <ord>        <dbl>       <dbl>
#>  1 cd_2010 1           761612       1    
#>  2 cd_2010 2           761548       1    
#>  3 cd_2010 3           761624       1    
#>  4 cd_2010 4           761571       1    
#>  5 1       1           737151       0.567
#>  6 1       2           769595       0.567
#>  7 1       3           779746       0.567
#>  8 1       4           759863       0.567
#>  9 2       1           778499       0.577
#> 10 2       2           725557       0.577
#> # ℹ 394 more rows